Chicken Curry Stew


Onion and Carrot:

Cauliflower, Potato, and Jalapeño Pepper:

Flour and Spice Thickening Mixture:

Blender Ingredients:

Ingredients to Add to Pot with Thickening Mixture:

Serve on the side:

Optional Toppings:


  1. Heat butter on medium-low heat in a Dutch oven.
  2. Add onion and carrots, sautéing 10 to 15 minutes or until tender.
  3. Add cauliflower, potatoes and optional jalapeño peppers to Dutch oven.
  4. Cook vegetables on medium-low heat for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
  5. In a small bowl mix together curry powder, coriander, flour, salt and pepper.
  6. Add spice mixture to Dutch oven and stir into vegetable mixture.
  7. In a blender purée the apple, garbanzo beans, garlic, ginger, and chicken stock.
  8. Add blender mixture to the Dutch oven.
  9. Add chicken, peas, coconut milk, sugar, chicken stock and milk to the Dutch oven.
  10. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes until vegetables are tender and flavors have melded together.
  11. Add milk if curry seems too thick.
  12. Salt to taste.
  13. Serve over steamed rice.


Serves 8 to 10 people.

Serve over steamed rice.

Top with optional toppings.

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Recipe adapted from Joy of Cooking, by Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, and Ethan Becker. New York: Scribner (1997).